Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Death Note Character

Got this test from my fiance's blog. A "what character are you" test of death note.
Your Score: ISFJ
You scored 60% introversion, 50% intuition, 35% thinking, and 64% juadging!


This personality test is heavily based on the Kiersey Sorter. In essence, it measures your personality across four variables: Introversion-Extraversion, Intuition-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling and Judging-Percieving. There are both positive and negative attributes to each of the traits.

Introversion-Extraversion: Generally, people who score high on "introversion" are reserved, quiet people who keep to themselves whereas people who score low on "introversion" are outgoing, friendly people who are extraverts.
Intuition-Sensing: People who score high on "intuition" are guided by gut instinct, they go on intuition as opposed to people who score low on this trait, who prefer to rely on established fact and their senses, rather than their own belief.
Thinking-Feeling: People with high scores on "thinking" rely more on their head to make decisions, whereas people who score low on "thinking" rely more on their heart to guide them. (Note: this has no bearing on a person's intelligence level; it merely refers to the way in which they make desicions.)
Judging-Percieving: People who score high "judging" are firm, decisisive people, whereas people who score low on this trait are flexible, accomodating people.


Stats: Approximately 8% of population.
DN characters with this type: Naomi Misora.
In a nutshell: "A high sense of duty."

Desciption: Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others.

Monday, August 13, 2007


I'm so excited to see my fiance and my son. i'll be flying to Cebu this thursday and our trip to Davao is on friday. weeeeeee! ^_^

on a side note, I hope we can perform very well on our new hires presentation and Groove@hp streetdance during our coffee talk this coming Aug. 24. the practices made me tired and i'll be so upset if I can miss one step. hehe.

I can't wait for the rematch of Boom2x Bautista and Ponce de Leon where Boom2x we'll be a lot of stronger than Ponce.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Virgin America's In-Flight Ethernet, USB, 110v Power and Doom

From Gizmo:

Artur Bergman of Six Apart and O'Reilly got a tour of the new
Virgin America planes and found some some amazing geek amenities. Every seat includes 110 volt AC current, ethernet, USB ports for charging iPods and phones, but will also accept a QWERTY for the linux-based, thin client, in flight entertainment system. And, it has Doom. But I'm not sure if it has Internet.

For more info, click

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy New Month! ^_^

Happy New Month everyone! ^_^