Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grey Huskies; Dance; Creative Zen replaced ^_^

Our team won the cheerdance competition in our sportsfest, which opened today. Yahoo!!! Kudos to Cathy and Edell for pulling it through and to all the SAP-ADSI managers who were really, really good and participative. Next year again.. ^_^


Me and 14 other Groove@HP members performed a dance number on the said event. I had some mistakes in some dances but I'm satisfied with my performance though I could have done better (darn tonsilitis I was grasping for air when the end was near). It was a great performance for all of us after more than a month of Saturday practices. I'll upload the video in multiply page once I got a copy from one of my co-dancers.


After having lunch with fellow Groovers, I went to megamall and to my delight I was able to pick up my Creative Zen from CompLink. The supplier replaced it with a new one! weeee!! hahaha! Now it's time to copy the songs ^_^.

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