Friday, September 21, 2007


I'm sick for two days but at least today there's no more fever. I went in the office yesterday by 7am only to go back home by 8:45am. My fever lasted for around 2 hours. My whole body cried in pain, my eyes can't focus, my head felt like a smashed pumpkin. It was really awful. Good thing my body responded to the Decolgen I took (thanks to my Aunt Heling). I got home by around 9:50 and went to sleep after taking the medicine. I woke up with no more body pain. I just felt so dizzy and weak.

It's been a while since I got a fever. Twice for the past two years. My college years were the most amazing, no fever for four years. Just a couple of cough and colds in a year. hehe.


mmBacus said...

Think again!

You still have fever, you just deny it. I just had fever and it lasted for two days. Not that my temperature didn't go down within these two days. But if I stopped my medication, fever goes back. One more think, I wasn't able to take a bath for four consecutive days.

So don't say fever is gone until you are really sure. Sometimes, the temperature stops rising, but it's still there. Just be cautious. Okay?

JoEmZ said...

okay mom... ^_^